From the Rector's Desk

Have you ever noticed the beautiful flowers on display each week behind the altar? Well if you haven’t, you should! Here at St. Mary’s we have a small but dedicated flower guild who lovingly create these colourful displays for us week after week. The flowers themselves are often donated by people in our community in honour of a special day (anniversary or birthday), or to remember a loved one. These flowers add a spark of colour, a touch of joy and love to our services each and every week, but have you ever wondered what happens to them after the service?

Well at times when we know of someone recovering from an illness, or who has suffered in some way and could use a little cheering, one of us will hand-deliver the flowers to let them know that our community is thinking and praying for them. And sometimes the person who has donated the flowers takes them for their own remembrance or celebration. Other weeks, we bring them into the office and have them in the entryway to enjoy while we work during the week, but when we do this, it always seems a little sad when the flowers begin to wilt and fade. However this week at the very end of their life, the flowers brought a whole lot of unexpected joy to the Thinking Garden children. 

The Thinking Garden staff saw me taking out the wilting flowers, and asked, “Can we have those for the kids?” and knowing I would just be composting them, I gladly handed them over, curious as to what they would do. Well within a few hours I was sent the attached photos with a note. “Look at all the fun creations they made with the flowers you shared with us!!! It probably looks like a muddy mess, but they are having SO much fun making lunch and potions and soups and so much more!! Thank you!! We love it here!!”


So know that our flowers are loved until the very end… and even when we think that it is the end, sometimes they still bring new life and a whole lot of unexpected  joy.



Fall Education Opportunities with Oceanside Anglicans

 Home Communion at St. Marks:  September 14th 1:00-3:00pm

~ Come and be part of the Oceanside home visiting team!


Prayers of the People at St. Mary’s:  September 18th 1:30-3:30pm

~ Learn tips and best practices for writing and delivering the Prayers on Sunday


Intersections: A Dialogue Series at St. Edmunds: October 3rd  – November 14th

~ A course on racism in BC – more information to come


Let’s Sing… Our Favourite Funeral Hymns at St. Marks:  October 21st 1:00-3:00pm

~ Help loved ones by pre-planning the details of your funeral