From the Rector's Desk
Does anyone else start to feel tired mid-Advent - as the pressures of the season really start to take hold and the reality of Christmas being only two weeks away seems overwhelming? Maybe it's just me who starts to feel a bit bogged down as we head into the 3rd week of Advent, but sometimes this time of waiting and preparation can also feel a bit daunting. 

And with all the other traditions we try to uphold for ourselves, our friends, our families and our churches heading towards Christmas, emotions can run high. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by all that we feel needs to be done, sometimes we feel sadness because things can't be how they have been in the past, sometimes we are grieving knowing there will be loved ones missing this year... And sometimes it can all feel like too much. 

So if you are in that place this week - feeling tired, overwhelmed, unsure, grieving, sorrowful, or like it's all just too much right now... know this: in moments where feelings emerge, maybe they seem too big, too small, or even too sad for the season. I encourage you take a breath and listen to your heartbeat. May the constant non-stop rhythm of your heart remind you of God's constant non-stop love for you - a love that is big enough to hold all that you may be feeling right now, a love that will meet you anew no matter how you arrive at the manger. 

With love and prayer for the season, 
Kirsten + 
Could YOU Help Lead Our Services? 

The diocese is offering the Licensed Lay Worship Leader course online via zoom again this spring - and St. Mary's needs more leaders to take the course to help Jean with leading the once-a-month Sunday Service of the Word. This is a free 8-week course offered by Sister Rev. Ingrid Anderson, priest at Church of the Advent Colwood, and will equip you to do the work of worship leading in our community. 

Applications are open from now until January 17th with classes starting in March - so please give this some prayerful consideration and speak to Jean or Rev. Kirsten if you are interested or want more information. The more folks we have on board in this ministry the brighter our future will be!
2025 Church Calendars 
Our Church Calendars are here and ready to be picked up in the office. The cost has gone up a bit this year so we are asking for a suggested donation of $10 per calendar. Please let us know if you want one put aside or pop into the office to get yours before they are gone as we have a limited number available. 

Special Services for December


This month we have a number of special services (in addition to our regular Sunday morning services), some being held here at St. Mary's and some to be held at St. Edmunds, Parksville as we continue to share in ministry together. So be sure to take a look at the list of services below, paying special attention to the time and locations. It is sure to be a wonderful and busy season!
The Longest Night of the Year - A service of Comfort and Light 
Saturday, December 21 - 7pm @ St. Mary, Nanoose Bay  
Join us for a quiet evening of prayer and comfort bathed in candle light. This service is an opportunity for those who feel the heaviness of the season to share that burden with others and give it all to the Holy One so that we can enter into the Christmas Season a little lighter. All are welcome to this beautiful reflective service.
Carols by Candlelight 
Sunday Dec. 22 - 7pm @ St. Mary, Nanoose Bay
This is an annual event hosted together with Patricia Plumley and her students, to bring the community an evening of carol singing. The event consists of performance pieces by the students interspersed with community carol singing, followed by fellowship and goodies in the hall. 
Christmas Eve Family Service 
Tuesday December 24 - 7pm @ St. Mary, Nanoose Bay
This is an all-ages event with a focus on the telling of the Nativity story. Children of all ages are welcome to partake in the telling and helping with creating the creche scene as we welcome the new-born babe in the manger.
Christmas Eve Traditional Service 
Tuesday December. 24 - 10:30pm @ St. Edmunds, Parksville
If you are looking for a quieter, more traditional Christmas service, look no further. We will be welcoming the Christ child with prayer and story, and share in the Eucharist together. All are welcome to join us as we welcome the Holy Child.
Christmas Day Eucharist
Wednesday, December 25, 10:30am @ St. Edmunds, Parksville
Join us for a joyful celebration on Christmas Morning as we celebrate the reason for the Season! All are welcome to come and welcome God With Us.
Combined Service of Christmas Lessons & Carols
Sunday December 29th - 1pm @ St. Edmunds, Parksville
This is an opportunity to hear the story of God with us through the eyes of ancient scripture and share in singing all our favourite songs of the season in our 5th Sunday Combined Service, hosted by our friends in Parksville. There will be fellowship and goodies after the service, so be sure to come and join in the fun!