From the Rector's Desk 

Friends, this weekend begins the final trek to the manger, and we will start the final leg of this journey Saturday evening with our service for the Longest Night of the Year. 

We know that this season is a complex one, and it can be hard to find safe space for grief and sadness when the world expects us to be boisterous and joyful.  And so we offer a service, bathed in candlelight, to bring a little comfort and a little space for those complex feelings to be held. Saturday evening we will gather for a time of prayer and thanksgiving for all those complex feelings as we move through them, so we are ready to embrace the joy of Christmas. 
So if you are feeling a little heavy this season, do consider joining us for this time of prayer and light as together we give our grief to God and enter into the season of Christmas a little lighter. 
With peace for the season, 
Kirsten + 

2025 Envelopes 

If you are a regular envelope user, offering envelopes are ready for pick up and are available at the back of the church. Please note: this year we are reusing unused envelopes from years past so we ask you to please WRITE your name OR your offering number on the envelope to ensure that the money gets attributed to you. 

News from Thinking Garden Childcare Centre

Attached please find the latest newsletter from the gals at the Thinking Garden. This newsletter is a way to bridge the gap between the church and the daycare, so that we all have a better idea of what the children do during the week. So please be sure to take a look at the fun they have had this month as they prepare for Christmas. Also of note: the daycare will be closed for two weeks over Christmas with their last day being Friday Dec. 20th ,and will reopen on January 6th. 

Special Services for December

This month we have a number of special services in addition to our regular Sunday morning services, some being held here at St. Mary's and some at St. Edmunds, Parksville as we continue to share in ministry together. So be sure to take a look at the list of services below, paying special attention to the time and locations. It is sure to be a wonderful and busy season! 

The Longest Night of the Year - A service of Comfort and Light 
Saturday, December 21 - 7pm @ St. Mary, Nanoose Bay  
Carols by Candlelight 
Sunday Dec. 22 - 7pm @ St. Mary, Nanoose Bay
Christmas Eve Family Service 
Tuesday December 24 - 7pm @ St. Mary, Nanoose Bay
Christmas Eve Traditional Service 
Tuesday December. 24 - 10:30pm @ St. Edmunds, Parksville
Christmas Day Eucharist
Wednesday, December 25, 10:30am @ St. Edmunds, Parksville
Combined Service of Christmas Lessons & Carols
Sunday December 29th - 1pm @ St. Edmunds, Parksville
*** Please Note **** while this will be a service hosted by St. Edmunds, we are inviting folks from St. Mary's to contribute to an appetizer potluck for a time of fellowship after the service. Please consider bringing something to share after the 1pm service!! 
Blessings to all as we move ever closer to Christmas.
