From the Rector's Desk
Well we are now days away from celebrating Christmas together as a community at St. Mary's and with our friends from St. Anne and St. Edmunds in Parksville. This last year has been one of God doing new things in our midst, and the birth of Christ is a reminder that God continues to do new things for the good of all creation.
It is amazing to think that the birth of a seemingly ordinary baby was something new, but after years of talking through prophets and kings, after trying to reach the people through pillars of clouds and burning bushes - it is almost as if God realized that the way things had always been done just wasn't working. So instead, God tried something new; God decided to come to us as one of us. This was a radical change, something entirely unexpected and it changed the world forever.
And the good news is that while this event happened over 2000 years ago, we continue to see God doing new things in our world, in our community and in our lives. It isn't always what we would expect, and sometimes comes as a surprise - but God is here and will continue to be God with us in new ways as we step into Christmas and beyond.
With every blessing for joy, peace and love this Christmas Season.
Kirsten +
Bible Study
Our Advent Bible Study wraps up tomorrow - December 24th from 10-12pm. Once completed we will be taking a bit of a break from Bible study in the new year, as Kirsten has taken up a few extra tasks in the absence of an office administrator. Thank you all for your understanding, and we look forward to being able to meet again in due course.
Office Closure
After the flurry of pre-Christmas preparations and a week full of services, we will be closing the office from noon on December 24th and will officially re-open the office on January 7th. Please know that during this time Rev. Kirsten is still available to you via email and will be happy to come in for any sort of pastoral concerns - but regular office hours will be suspended during this time.
Christmas Services
This month we have a number of special services (in addition to our regular Sunday morningservices), some being held here at St. Mary's and some to be held at St. Edmunds, Parksville as we continue to share in ministry together. So be sure to take a look at the list of services below, paying special attention to the time and locations! It is sure to be a wonderful and busy season!
Christmas Eve Family Service
Tuesday December 24 - 7pm @ St. Marys, Nanoose Bay
Christmas Eve Traditional Service
Tuesday December. 24 - 10:30pm @ St. Edmunds, Parksville
Christmas Day Eucharist
Wednesday, December 25, 10:30am @ St. Edmunds, Parksville (No service at St. Mary's this day)
Combined Service of Christmas Lessons & Carols
Sunday December 29th - 1pm @ St. Edmunds, Parksville
There will be NO 10am service this day - instead we are all invited to join our friends at St. Edmunds for a 5th Sunday combined service of lessons and carols. We have also invited friends from Trinity Port Alberni, and St. Marks Qualicum Beach to join in the fun so it is sure to be a wonderful service. There will be a time of fellowship after the service so please consider bringing either a sweet treat or savory goody as an appetizer to share!
Annual Vestry Meeting
I know it seems early - but please mark your calendar for our Annual meeting which will be held on Sunday February 23rd after the service. Things will be a little different this year as we prepare for the meeting without a regular office administrator so we will be starting early in January with a call for reports to ensure Kirsten has adequate time to pull everything together for us. So if you are a regular report writer - stay tuned as Kirsten will be sending out the reminder prompts early in January!!
January Birthdays
Blessings to all those celebrating next month!
9th Janie T
10th Margaret N
16th Lillian J
22nd Dagny N
29th John S
30th Fred H
31st Will L