From the Rector's Desk


As many of you know, last week I attended Clergy day at Christ Church Cathedral in Victoria. This is a day where all the clergy of the diocese gather for fellowship, connection and a time of instruction and learning from the synod staff. But as one might expect when clergy gather, our day started with a time of worship led by Bishop Anna. Various folks contributed with readings, and the singing was robust, but during her homily our Bishop spoke a great deal about the concept of trust. While she made numerous points to ponder, the line that I keep coming back to is that we can only move forward at the speed of trust. She shared that as a diocese, as a church and as clergy in specific parishes, we need to work to earn the trust of the people and of the community, and once that foundation is there. we can begin to build new structures and move forward.


The history of our church has not always been a straightforward one. There have been times in the not-so-distant past where the community has faced real hardship and uncertainty. And then just as things were stabilizing and really moving ahead, Covid hit hard and we are still finding our way in a post-Covid world. In the coming months, we will be working on continuing to earn and establish trust – trust in one another, trust in the diocese, trust in the processes that govern us. We know that the future will not look like the past, and that can be scary. But if we can continue to move at the speed of trust, together we can create a bright and beautiful future – where God’s will is done, all are welcomed and together we grow in faith as community both within and beyond our walls. 


So in the days ahead when things seem uncertain, may the words of John bring comfort, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me” (John 14:1). Even though it is Jesus who says these words, I echo them in our work together. The way forward may not always be straightforward, but if we trust in God and trust in one another, wonderful things can happen.


Yours in Christ,

Kirsten +



High Tea Planning Meeting 


The meeting is back on, and all those who are interested in helping out with the High Tea this year are invited to join the meeting on Tuesday February 18th at 11am in the church hall. See you there!



Admin Hire Update


On Friday the wardens and I will be interviewing candidates for the Office Administrator position here at St. Mary’s. I am quite hopeful that we will find a good fit and someone with the skills we need to keep the office running smoothly. That said, I welcome your prayers on Friday, that the wardens and I are guided by the Holy One to find the right candidate for our community. God willing, next week we will be able to share some good news – so stay tuned!



Office Closed Feb. 17 


The office will be closed on Monday for the Family Day statutory holiday. Kirsten will still be available for pastoral emergencies, and will be back in the office on Tuesday morning. 



Annual Vestry Meeting


Mark your calendar for our annual meeting, which will be held on Sunday, February 23rd after the service. The meeting will start as soon as we get settled in the hall after the service, and while we hope the meeting won’t take up too much time, we do invite you to bring a bag lunch for sustenance!



Using your Gifts


Please consider stepping up to support the various ministries in our community, as we cannot do the work of this place alone. If you can count, use a cell phone, greet people at the door, read scripture or prayers, arrange flowers, make coffee and more… we can find a place for you to help support the work of our community! Let us know if you are interested in helping out.



Lenten Bible Study 


Rev. Kirsten will be offering a 5-week bible study for the season of Lent. We will gather on Tuesdays from 10am to 12pm beginning March 11th (just after Ash Wednesday). This year, the theme of the study will be a little bit different - instead of focusing on the last days of Jesus or elements of lent or holy week, we will be focusing on the stories of five of Jesus's followers. These are people who encountered Jesus at key moments in their life; people who were transformed, some of whom were there through to the cross and beyond. Together we will explore these lives and discuss how our lives are impacted as we too encounter Jesus with the cross heavy on the horizon. 



Dates of Note


There are lots of things coming up in the next few months so to help us keep track of things, here are some dates to note:


Saturday Feb. 22 - Messy Church at St. Marks QB at 4pm 

Sunday Feb. 23 – Annual Vestry Meeting immediately following the service

Tuesday March 4 – Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at St. Edmunds 4pm to 6pm (by donation)

Wednesday March 5 – Ash Wednesday Service at St. Mary’s at 11am

Sunday March 9 – Service of the Word with Rev. Lynn Cawthra – Deacon of the Diocese

Tuesday March 11 at 10am – Lent Bible Study begins. All are welcome to attend

Wednesday March 12 – Parish Council meets at 1pm in the Church

Sunday March 23 – Combined service at St. Mary’s – with guest preacher Rev. Jenny Reploge, Canon for Lay- Led Parishes and Parishes in Transition