From the Rector's Desk

Well friends, after a few months of limping along in the office as best we can, I am pleased to announce that the wardens and I have successfully interviewed candidates and have hired a new Office Administrator for St. Mary’s! While we are still sorting out the details of paperwork, SafeChurch etc… I am thrilled to be welcoming Linda Chad to St. Mary’s with her official start date being ……..

Linda comes to us after a full career of administrative tasks, and is fairly new to Oceanside after moving from Saskatoon two years ago. Linda has extensive experience in conflict management, website management, working both in leadership and as a team member. Her career took her into management within the federal prison systems, to working as a consultant with Indigenous Affairs. Linda is also wonderfully creative as an award-winning artist and is well connected within the artisan community in Oceanside. Her artwork is bright and vibrant, much like her personality, and the wardens and I are confident that she will be a wonderful addition to our community.

Linda will be doing a few hours of training and orientation on Monday Feb 24th with her official start date being March 4th. Beginning in March, the new church office hours will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10am to 3pm. Once she is settled, we will invite Linda to join us for a Sunday Service to meet everyone in person – so lets get ready to welcome Linda to our St. Mary’s community as we begin our work together.


Kirsten +  


PWRDF Mapping The Ground We Stand On

We have been invited by the PWRDF representative at St. Paul’s in Nanaimo to join them for the “Mapping Exercise” on Friday March 7th at 12-3pm, with coffee being served at 11am. This workshop is led by skilled facilitators and invites us to enter into the story of settlement of our lands as an act of raising awareness of the interaction between indigenous presence and settler arrival across Canada. More information about the program can be found at

If you are interested in attending, please register by contacting Julie Foster either by text 250-527-3001 or email


Vigil for 3rd Anniversary of Invasion of Ukraine

This week I received the following invitation to join our siblings in Christ from St. Mary the Protectress (594 Karls Way, Parksville).

We will be holding a Candlelight Vigil on Friday, February 21st at 7pm. This will be a time of remembrance as we gather in unity to show our support and to show that we have not forgotten. All are welcome to join for this outdoor vigil and are invited to bring a candle. Donations will be gratefully appreciated.


Annual Vestry Meeting

Mark your calendar for our Annual meeting which will be held THIS Sunday February 23rd after the service. The meeting will start as soon as we get settled in the hall after the service, and while we hope the meeting won’t take up too much time we do invite you to bring a bag lunch for sustenance!


Using your Gifts

Please do consider stepping up to support the various ministries in our community, as we cannot do the work of this place alone. If you can count, use a cell phone, greet people at the door, read scripture or prayers, arrange flowers, make coffee and more… we can find a place for you to help support the work of our community! Let us know if you are interested in helping out.


Lenten Bible Study 

Rev. Kirsten will be offering a 5-week bible study for the season of Lent. We will gather on Tuesdays from 10am to 12pm, beginning March 11th (after Ash Wednesday). This year, the theme of the study will be a little bit different - instead of focusing on the last days of Jesus or elements of Lent or Holy Week, we will focus on the stories of five of Jesus's followers. These are people who encountered Jesus at key moments in their life, people who were transformed, some of whom were there through to the cross and beyond. Together we will explore these lives and discuss how our lives are impacted as we too encounter Jesus with the Cross heavy on the horizon. 


Dates of Note

There are lots of things coming up in the next few months, so to help us keep track of things here are some dates to note:


Sunday Feb. 23 – Annual Vestry Meeting immediately following the service

Sunday March 2 – Service of Holy Eucharist with Rev. Kirsten

Tuesday March 4 – Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at St. Edmunds 4pm to 6pm (by donation)

Wednesday March 5 – Ash Wednesday Service at St. Mary’s at 11am

Sunday March 9 – Service of the Word with Rev. Lynn Cawthra, Deacon of the Diocese

Tuesday March 11 @ 10am – Lent Bible Study begins. All are welcome to attend

Wednesday March 12 – Parish Council meeting at 1pm in the Church

Sunday March 23 – Combined service at St. Mary’s with Guest Preacher Rev. Jenny Reploge, Canon for Lay- Led Parishes and Parishes in Transition.