From the Rector's Desk


Say it ain't snow! This week has sure thrown a curve ball at all of us with our first snow fall of winter, which has certainly decided to stick around. This much snow is rare for us here on the Island. We are more accustomed to snow that falls, turns to rain within 24hrs and life continues in a grey slushy mess until it is all melted away. 


But this snow feels a bit different. We have had some colder days prior to the falling flakes, and now as I write to you - I am amazed at the accumulation - well over 30cm with flakes still falling. The tree branches are bowed to the earth with pillow drifts weighing them down, the road outside my home is mostly unplowed, and all is quiet and feels at peace. 


Snow like this can be a rare gift of God - especially when the fall catches you by surprise. For some it may feel like an inconvenience, putting our life and our plans on hold, but it can also be an invitation to slow down and change our perspective. We can choose to find joy in the snow, to see it for its beauty and wonder, instead of grumbling about changed plans. We get to choose our perspective! 


So while I'm sure we are all a bit annoyed by the inconvenience of the snow, I pray that you are also able to see the gift of unexpected time at home and the invitation to slow down and spend time with family, pets, and maybe even with God. This can be a time of renewal, a time of rest, a time to focus on things we have needed to do but not have time to do it. 


For me, the space and grace of working from home has allowed me to catch up on a lot of liturgy planning that has been needing my attention, and even to focus on getting the AVM reports ready to send out in record time. And among all that productivity, I was also able to sit with a cup of tea and a study book, watching tiny song birds play and flit about in the snow; creation at its best and something I don't often get to stop to enjoy. 


So I pray that these snowy days see you safe and warm, taking time to enjoy these quieter days, and able to find joy in the moment, opening your eyes to see what God has in store for you for the day. 


With prayers and blessings, 

Kirsten + 



High Tea Planning Meeting 


The planning meeting which was to be held today for the High Tea Fundraisers has been cancelled for today because of the snow. If this is something you would like to be part of, please keep an eye out for the new date and time for the meeting! 



Annual Vestry Meeting


Mark your calendar for our Annual meeting, which will be held on Sunday February 23rd after the service. The full and complete AVM report will be coming to you via a special email to be sent out on Friday February 7th.  As it is a large document, we will only have a few print copies available. The meeting will start as soon as we get settled in the hall after the service, and while we hope the meeting won’t take up too much time, we do invite you to bring a bag lunch for sustenance!



Using your Gifts


Lately, I have been speaking about how we are all diverse and yet all needed to be the body of Christ here and now. I also asked you to think about the gifts you have and how they can contribute to the betterment of our community. Some of the ways you can offer your gift is through assisting us with Sunday services. We are always looking for people to be greeters, readers, lead the prayers, help with Coffee Hour, record the service, etc… if you think God might be nudging you to assist with any of these things – please speak to me. We are always in need of more folks to come on board to further the work of God in community.



Dates of Note


There are lots of things coming up in the next few months, so to help us keep track of things, here are some dates to note:

Wednesday and Thursday Feb. 5/6 – Kirsten away for Clergy Day Meetings in Victoria (office will be closed)

Saturday Feb. 22 – Messy Church at St. Marks QB at 4pm 

Sunday Feb. 23 – Annual Vestry Meeting immediately following the service

Tuesday March 4 – Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at St. Edmunds (more info to come)

Wednesday March 5 – Ash Wednesday Service at St. Mary’s at 11am

Sunday March 9 – Service of the Word with Rev. Lynn Cawthra, Deacon of the Diocese

Sunday March 23 – Combined service at St. Mary’s with Guest Preacher Rev. Jenny Reploge, Canon for Parishes in Transition

(April Holy Week services are still to be determined)