From the Rector's Desk


I am not sure if any of you are familiar with the Episcopal priest and award-winning author, Barbara Brown Taylor, but lately I have been reading through some of her writings. There are countless nuggets of gold within each of her books and I often find myself highlighting quotes or jotting down lines as I read and ponder.


This week I have been once again going through her book, “An Altar in the World” which through story and discovery encourages us to seek out the sacred in the small things we see and do as we go about living our lives in the world. And after sharing about ‘glimmers’ last week, the following quote struck me as building on that theme.


Barbara writes, “To make bread or love, to dig in the earth, to feed an animal or cook for a stranger—these activities require no extensive commentary, no lucid theology. All they require is someone willing to bend, reach, chop, stir. Most of these tasks are so full of pleasure that there is no need to complicate things by calling them holy. And yet these are the same activities that change lives, sometimes all at once and sometimes more slowly, the way dripping water changes stone.”


As people of faith, It is easy to be bogged down by big theologies and feel that all that spiritual, Godly stuff is something we have to find space and time for if we want to fit it into our lives. But the reality is, our lives are absolutely brimming with the Divine just waiting to be noticed, wanting to be discovered, hoping to be seen. In each act of caring – towards family, friends, neighbours, strangers and even ourselves, we honour the Divine that resides within. With each movement and action, with each moment and breath;  no matter what we are doing, if we set the intention to find the Holy in that moment, God will meet us in the midst of whatever it is we are doing – even when it seems like the most ordinary, everyday sort of task.


May you keep seeking and being transformed,

Kirsten +


Funeral Tea Helpers

St. Mary will be hosting a funeral this Saturday, January 25th at 11am and we are hoping to find a few more helpers who can come and assist with the tea time following the services. Don and Pat Nicol are coordinating the reception - so if you are able to come and help out on Saturday, please let them know! 


Luncheon Celebration

As you all know, our dear friends Mary and Maggie will soon be leaving the Berwick and heading to real winter country in Ottawa. In honour of their last Sunday with us, we have decided to have a luncheon (as organized by Marg and Elaine) on Sunday, January 26th after the service. This will be our opportunity to have a time of fellowship together as community and wish them both well before they leave the Island on February 1st. This day will also coincide with Dagny’s birthday, so we will be celebrating this as well! Everything at the luncheon will be provided for by donation – so please be ready for that!


So let's gather together next Sunday for a time of good food and good fellowship, of sharing memories and laughter, and wish our dear friends well as they move onto their next adventure.


Annual Vestry Meeting! 

Mark your calendar for our Annual meeting which will be held on Sunday February 23rd after the service. Thank you to all who have sent in their reports to me as I can now begin to formalize the big report to have it ready to send out in a few short weeks. 


Using your Gifts

Last Sunday, I spoke of how we are all diverse and yet all needed to be the body of Christ here and now. I also asked you to think about the gifts you have and how they can contribute to the betterment of our community. Some of the ways you can offer your gift is through assisting us with Sunday services. We are always looking for people to be greeters, readers, lead the prayers, help with coffee hour, record the service etc… if you think God might be nudging you to assist with any of these things, please speak to me! We are always in need of more folks to come on board to further the work of God in community.


Messy Church at St. Marks

On the 4th Saturday of each month, all those who are young at heart gather at St. Mark’s for a time of play, story and sharing a meal together. Elizabeth Northcott is hoping to make this more of an extended Oceanside event over this coming year and has invited us to come along and see what its all about! The next Messy Church will be January 25th starting at 4pm. This is an all-ages event with a focus on families but all are welcome to attend!


Birthdays and Anniversaries

This week we remember and acknowledge all those who are celebrating in the month of February.

Our Birthdays are:


Feb.3rd Jan E;

Feb.11th Sharon V; and

Feb.28th Daniela H.


And we wish a Happy Anniversary to Claude and Roseleagh on February 9th


Blessings one and all – and if you have anything you would like to communicate to the parish in our weekly notices, be sure to let me know!