Over the last few months, we have really lived into this idea of sharing clergy with another parish, particularly during the days of Christmas as we shared services between the two communities and had members worshipping together on a number of occasions. As we look forward to Lent and Holy Week, we will once again be exploring new ways we can be community together with our friends down the road. Not only is this a way to be a more robust community sharing the good news and pivotal moments of our church year, but it is also a way to get to know each other and grow as people of God together.
While there are still details to be worked out around Holy Week, there are a few events coming up that will be opportunities for us to share ministry with our friends in Parksville. The first will be the pairing of Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. As I’m sure you are all aware, Shrove Tuesday is traditionally observed with a meal of pancakes as we share a last hurrah before entering the season of Lent, and the next day we begin our Lenten journey with a service where we have the imposition of ashes, reminding us of our mortality. Within our church, both of these tend to be smaller gatherings so this year we are trying something different.
On Tuesday March 4th, St. Edmunds will be hosting a combined Pancake Supper and we are all invited to come along for the event. This will be held between 4 and 6pm with admission being by donation. Julian Packer is spearheading the planning of this event and if anyone from St. Mary’s would like to help in the kitchen with set up or clean up please let me know and I can put you in touch with Julian. Then on Wednesday March 5th, we will all gather at St. Mary’s at 11am for an Ash Wednesday Service. Here we will reflect on the scripture, impose ashes and share Eucharist in community as we begin our Lenten journey.
Later in March, we will be sharing a combined service at St. Mary's on March 23rd in place of our 5th Sunday tradition - as we have a guest Preacher, Rev. Jenny Reploge, coming from the diocese that day. Stay tuned as we will let you know the details for this day as plans continue to come together.
If you have any questions, concerns or ideas as to how we can continue to grow our relationship between these communities please do not hesitate to reach out to me – for even if I am not at my desk, I am never far away.
With peace and prayers,
Kirsten +
Mark your calendar for our Annual meeting which will be held on Sunday February 23rd after the service. The full and complete AVM report will be coming to you via a special email to be sent out at the end of next week. As it is a large document, we will only have a few print copies available. The meeting will start as soon as we get settled in the hall after the service, and while we hope the meeting won’t take up too much time, we do invite you to bring a bag lunch for sustenance!
Lately I have been speaking about how we are all diverse and yet all needed to be the body of Christ here and now. I also asked you to think about the gifts you have and how they can contribute to the betterment of our community. Some of the ways you can offer your gift is through assisting us with Sunday services. We are always looking for people to be greeters, readers, lead the prayers, help with Coffee Hour, film the service etc… if you think God might be nudging you to assist with any of these things – please speak to me! As we are always in need of more folks to come on board to further the work of God in community.
On the 4th Saturday of each month, all those who are young at heart gather at St. Mark’s for a time of play, story and sharing a meal together. Elizabeth Northcott is hoping to make this more of an extended Oceanside event over this coming year and has invited us to come along and see what it's all about! The next Messy Church will be February 22nd starting at 4pm. This is an all-ages event with a focus on families, but all are welcome to attend!
There are lots of things coming up in the next few months, so to help us keep track of things, here are some dates to note:
Sunday Feb. 2 – Lay-Led Sunday Service with Jean Russell
Thursday Feb. 5/6 – Kirsten away for Clergy Day Meetings in Victoria
Sunday Feb. 23 – Annual Vestry Meeting immediately following the service
Tuesday March 4 – Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at St. Edmunds (more info to come)
Wednesday March 5 – Ash Wednesday Service at St. Mary’s at 11am
Sunday March 9 – Service of the Word with Rev. Lynn Cawthra, Deacon of the Diocese
Sunday March 23 – Combined service at St. Mary’s – with Guest Preacher Rev. Jenny Reploge, Canon for Parishes in Transition
Services for Holy Week in April are still to be determined.
Blessings one and all – and if you have anything you would like to communicate to the parish in our weekly notices, be sure to let me know!