From the Rector's Desk


Last week I know many of us watched reports, videos, and saw photos of the devastation that happened in Jasper as a result of the wildfire. For the last few days there have been cooler temperatures and even a bit of rain helping the fires to be contained, and reports say that fire crews are still working to extinguish hot spots before temperatures rise once more. It is heartbreaking to see the reports of beloved buildings lost, hearing stories of homes, churches and community buildings destroyed. It can be easy to become angry at irresponsible campers, hikers or others. And we soon begin to wonder where is God in all of this?

There are many factors that lead to fires like we have seen in Jasper these last few weeks. Sometimes it is humanity causing havoc and sometimes it is simply nature taking its course. The cycles in creation are things we continue to study and discover, as the delicate web of life in creation is far more intricate than we could imagine. One of the wonders of Creation is the natural cycle of life and death, of growth and destruction that eventually leads to new life. Within Canada, our Boreal Forests have a history of fire tearing through the large swaths of the region, as a means to cleanse and renew the forest. Fires release nutrients from the debris on forest floors, and open the canopy so light can regenerate growth once more. So while devastating and heartbreaking, these fires are also a necessary part of life in our Canadian Forests.

That being said, fire is also destructive.  Many of the homes have been reduced to the foundations, nothing but a chimney stack left of the church. Cars are torched and melted, and the what once was an iconic Canadian town looks like a wasteland. It can be hard to see where God is when faced with these sorts of situations. When the needs of creation are counter to the needs of the people, when what seems like senseless destruction leads to over 17,000 people being evacuated from their homes. It may not always make sense, but we know that even when it’s hard, God is there in the midst. And perhaps in time, something even more wonderful will emerge, as anything is possible with God. However, while we wait and watch, let us all continue to hold the people of Jasper in our prayers as they regroup, reassess and begin to make plans to rise again from the rubble.


Kirsten +




Total Income                $91,244.97

Total Expenses             $84,620.29

Net Income                  $   6,624.68

We are well on track to reducing the overall year-end deficit. This has resulted from the excellent return of the June Jumble Sale, along with a reduction in salary expenses from the reduced hours of both the Incumbent and Office Administrator.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jennifer, the Church Treasurer.


Mark your Calendars

St. Mary’s Matronal Feast Day will soon be upon us and this year we will be celebrating on Sunday August 18th! To make the day special we will be having a bunwich lunch by donation after the service, and as Margaret has arranged for the day off, we will have a special guest musician (and no I don’t mean Cris!).  Get ready to CELEBRATE!!!


Kitchen Ministry

Do you have the gift of organization? Or first-hand experience of what makes a kitchen run well or enjoy the satisfaction of a cleaning?  Well, we are looking for someone who might be interested in starting up a Kitchen ministry at St. Mary's. The details are still to be sorted out, but the intention is that this person would oversee things such as supplies, ensuring counters and sinks etc. are clean and dishes/supplies sorted and organized. This would also include a deep clean of the kitchen on occasion, and hopefully this person would be willing to get their FOODSAFE/FOOD HANDLER certification (at the church's expense). If this might be something you are interested in, or perhaps you and a friend or two – please speak to the wardens!




Aug. 5                  David S

Aug. 12                Luis Q

Aug. 18                Jean R

Aug. 22                Rose B-C

Aug. 27                Marg D

Aug. 30                Margo W


Aug. 10                David & Maria S



August 4 – 11th Sunday after Pentecost

2 SAMUEL 11:26-12:13A            PSALM 51:1-13 (pg. 770)           EPHESIANS 4:1-16              JOHN 6:24-35


August 11 – 12th Sunday after Pentecost

2 SAMUEL 18:5-9, 15, 31-33            PSALM 130 (pg. 888)            EPHESIANS 4:25-5:2       JOHN 6:35, 41-51


August 18 – Matronal Feast for St. Mary’s

St. Mary’s service of scripture and song to be determined.


August 25 – 14th Sunday after Pentecost

1 KINGS 8:(1, 6, 10-11) 22-30, 41-43               PSALM 84 (pg. 817)           EPHESIANS 6:10-20          JOHN 6:56-69