From the Rector's Desk

Friends, Holy Week is upon us and with that comes change, as beginning April 1st I will be Priest-in-Charge both here and in Parksville. I know that with change often come anxiety and concerns, and believe me when I say I have them too as we move into this new space together. However, Tuesday morning I was able to meet with our Archdeacon, Elizabeth Northcott, and the Wardens and Lay Leaders of St. Edmunds for a preliminary meeting when we looked at the month of April and what my time might look like as we set out on this new journey. So, in an effort to be as transparent with you all as I can be, this is what we are looking at for April and beyond.

As you all know, there will be one Sunday a month where I am not with you; this will be the 1st Sunday of each month and will be an opportunity for Lay Leaders to step up and lead you all in a Service of the Word or morning prayer. I have also offered to share my sermons (as I will be writing one anyways) with the lay folks leading this service, so you will still be hearing my message on the Sundays I am not here. Throughout the week I will be shifting my time a little as well to make some space in the week to be on the ground in Parksville. While this might change as we adjust to the schedules in each other’s communities generally speaking, I will be here at St. Mary’s on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and be available by appointment on Fridays for those who need me. This frees me up to be in Parksville on Thursday mornings during their office hours so I can meet with folks and work with their admin. That being said, these are general guidelines, and may shift from time to time as pastoral needs arise or an event occurs that requires a shift in hours. I pray that we can be flexible working together with good faith and trust as we settle into a new way of being church together.

With all this in mind, my first working day in Parksville will be Thursday, April 4th and my first Sunday away will be April 7th.  I have asked for a special guest to come and lead you through a Service of the Word, my dear friend Rev. Trish Vollmann-Stock, Deacon at St. John Duncan. Trish is a true delight and is very excited to introduce you to a service that she loves dearly and share her thoughts on the readings with you all. I hope that you welcome her with open hearts and minds and show her the hospitality that I know this community is capable of.

I know that this is a huge change for our community and that things may continue to change and shift as we settle into new patterns that work well for both communities and for myself. So I would ask your prayers for one another - and for myself too as I adjust to a new schedule and settle into a new community. These are anxious times, but exciting times too! The energy in Parksville was palpable, and I see countless opportunities in our future to grow in faith and ministry together as Oceanside Anglicans.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out – I may not always have an answer but with God as our guide we know anything is possible!

Peace and blessings,

Kirsten +



PARISH COUNCIL MEETING in the church on Wednesday, March 27 at 1pm

Find out first-hand what is happening at St. Mary’s. 

Everyone is most welcome to attend.


Next week is our Maundy Thursday Supper and Service with our guests from St. Anne / St  Edmunds church.

We ask that the ingredients for the soup be delivered to the hall kitchen either this Sunday or before next Wednesday.

A few extra cookies or squares would be most welcome.

A crew of volunteers will be making the soup and setting the tables at 1p.m.  on Wednesday March 27th . Please feel free to join us.  The more the merrier!

                                                             Holy Week Services 2024


Holy Week Origami (Palm Crosses ) – Saturday March 23; 10am in the Hall

Marrianna is the contact person if you can lend a hand!


                                                     Services 2024

Maundy Thursday Supper & Service – Thursday, March 28 @ 5:30pm (starting in the hall)

Good Friday Stations of the Cross – Friday, March 29th @ 11am  (in the church)  

Oceanside Easter Vigil – Saturday, March 30th @ 7pm (service at St. Mark’s Qualicum Beach involving folks from St. Mary’s, St. Edmunds, Trinity Port Alberni and St. Mark's)

Easter Sunday – Sunday, March 31st @10am


Are you giving up something for Lent?

Are you doing something extra?

Lighten your change purses by donating your spare loonies and toonies or more. 

Please consider helping the finances of St. Mary’s by generously filling this little box and bring them back on Easter Sunday.


Oceanside Choir presents From Venice to Cambridge – March 24th

On Sunday March 24; at 2:30pm at Knox United Church, there will be a concert of Vivaldi and Rutter featuring our very own Margaret N and Sue F. Tickets only $25.