From the Rector's Desk 

I wonder if anyone has noticed the orange shirts and signs stating “Every Child Matters” cropping up once again in the landscape? I know that I sure have and it acts as a reminder for us that Orange Shirt Day is only a few short weeks away. This year to honour the work of Truth and Reconciliation and remember the role of the church in the mass destruction of the Indigenous peoples on these lands, we will be holding a special service for Truth and Reconciliation on Sunday September 29th at 10am.

Since 2016, when the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), was first published, Anglicans across Canada have been seeking ways to continue the process of truth-telling and healing begun by this important work.  Truth and Reconciliation is something we are called to continually work on all year long, but this time of year we take a moment for special focus as we remember those harmed by the Residential School system across Canada and observe Orange Shirt day in our worship.  

This year we will be welcoming our friends and neighbours from St. Anne and St. Edmund, Parksville as they join us for worship that day. I would encourage you all to search your closets and find something Orange to wear on the 29th and be ready to come together in prayer and worship as together we acknowledge the harm done by the church to our Indigenous neighbours over the last century.  Reconciliation is not just an act of remembering but also an act of doing something to further the work of repair and healing. So on this day the open offering will be collected and all money received will be sent to the Orange Shirt Society. Our donation will be used to help raise awareness across Canada about the legacy of Indian Residential Schools and their continuing impacts on individuals, families and communities.

So mark your calendars, open your hearts and dig deep so that we can not just talk but act – showing that we believe Every Child Matters.


Kirsten +


Sing A New Song! 

 Starting this Sunday, Margaret will be arriving early to go over any new or lesser known hymns with whomever would like to join as song leaders that day.  This will be an opportunity for folks to familiarize themselves with the music and support the congregation as we move through the service. While not a formal choir, your voice will help lead from the pews so that all can fully participate in the singing on Sunday mornings! If this interests you, be sure to join Margaret at 9:30am to sing a new song!

This Sunday we will sing Called by Earth and Sky – More Voices 135Click here to listen to the song in preparation for worship.

Bible Study Tomorrow

Delve into the Sunday scriptures with Rev. Kirsten. Wednesday, September 11th at 10:30am. 


Prayers of the People

Have you ever wondered about the Prayers of the People? Maybe been curious about why we do it, or what the history or purpose is as part of our weekly service? Maybe you’ve been interested in trying to lead the Prayers but haven’t come forward as you aren’t quite sure where to start? Or maybe you have been doing it for years and are looking to be renewed or come along side to mentor someone new?

Well, next week Ven. Elizabeth Northcott and I will be offering our 2nd Oceanside Anglicans Workshop and together will be exploring the ins and outs of the Prayers of the People. On Wednesday September 18th we will be meeting at 1:30pm in the church with folks from St. Marks, St. Anne and St. Edmunds and possibly even Trinity Port Alberni to learn about the whys and hows of this important part of our services. During our time together, we will look at where to find the litanies in our liturgical books and learn how to adapt them, and discuss other resources, patterns for prayers and best practices. There will even be an opportunity to practice writing prayers together in the group.

So mark your calendar and be sure to join us as we learn about the Prayers of the People together!


Mark your Calendars – Blessing of the Animals Service

Join us on Saturday October 5th at 1pm for our annual Blessing of the Animals here at St. Mary’s! This is a wonderful opportunity to invite all the friends, neighbours, and pet lovers in your life to come and bring their animals for a special blessing from the priest. This will be an outside event and will happen rain or shine so come prepared for the weather and we will gather to give thanks for our fury, scaly, hairy, feathery companions together. Hope to see you and your beloved animals there!


Fall Education Opportunities With Oceanside Anglicans

Home Communion @ St. Marks – September 14th 1:00-3:00pm

~ Come be part of the Oceanside home visiting team!

Prayers of the People @ St. Mary’s - September 18th 1:30-3:30pm

~ Learn tips & best practices for writing and delivering the Prayers on Sunday

Let’s Sing… Our Favourite Funeral Hymns @ St. Marks - October 21st 1:00-3:00pm

~ Help loved ones by pre-planning details for your funeral