Our lives get more complicated. Now we have added wildfire smoke to the mix.
We need to be outside, physically distanced, in order to socialize and now it’s unhealthy to do so until the smoke settles and the air is clear again. Just think of all the parents of young, and even older, children. What a conundrum for them!! We can channel our concern and frustration into prayers for those who are dealing with flames at their back doors, parents with children cooped up in small apartments, families with loved ones in care who are not able to visit them, those with respiratory conditions, and the young people who are overwhelmed with all that’s going on in the world. Our prayers can bring peace to the situation, starting within ourselves and spreading outwards. We begin to co-create the new heaven and earth with God, who created us for this purpose. There is much to be prayed for, and there is much to be thankful for!!
The Wednesday group gathered outside today in the smoke and increasing sunlight to reflect on Sunday’s gospel passage and on what is 'fair'. As the weather grows colder, we will meet in the Hall. Unfortunately this means that dogs are not able to attend.
This Sunday’s readings are:
Exodus 16:2-15,
Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45,
Philippians 1:21-30,
Matthew 20:1-16
Somehow we missed Rich and Kay’s wedding anniversary. Congratulations and blessings, you two!!
There are many needs in the parish right now. Please pray for each other and for St. Mary’s.
KAT is on holidays this week. Please email Selinde if you plan to come to church this Sunday – incumbent@stmarynb.ca. And again, if you forget to rsvp for a Sunday, please come. So far we have not been at capacity so chances are very good that we will be able accommodate you! And when you rsvp by email and don’t hear back, please assume that there was room on the list and you have a secure seat.
Many thanks for those who are sending in contributions towards the “I forgot” effort to help make up for the drop in givings. Our goal is to turn the giving trend back to our budgeted target!
Please continue to pray for the Electoral Synod where a new bishop for the Diocese will be elected on September 26th. If you want to observe, just go to the Diocesan website to find the link.
Without KAT’s expertise, I am not able to attach jokes or short music videos so this is a dry NOTICE. It will be good to have KAT back in the saddle next week!
Joy for your day,