Note from the Rector


I’m not sure about you but it seems to me that September is passing by at an alarming rate – it is hard to believe that October is just around the corner and with it will come some more exciting changes at St. Mary’s.

First off – an update on the Thinking Garden Daycare.  Courtney and her crew have been working very hard to get the space ready and things are looking wonderful!  You may have noticed the fabulous upgrades to the outdoor space as you drive onto the property – the prickles and overgrown plants have been removed, new gravel has been added and little stumps for play spaces have been set up.  Inside the hall, what was the library den space is a beautiful sky blue with cabinets and carpets, bulletin boards and shelving creating an inviting, calming and welcoming environment for the children.  The entry way has also seen a facelift with the installation of cubbies and hooks – so all is coming together!  The rest of September will be the last of the renovations and final walk throughs for licensing and such and we will welcome the children into the space starting October 2nd.  This will be an exciting, busy time for our church but I am hopeful that it will be the beginning of a very fruitful relationship.

Secondly – our liturgy will be changing again as we head into October with a few special services. Sunday October 1st, we will be observing National Truth and Reconciliation day as part of our Sunday Service.  We will be remembering the children who attended Residential Schools across Canada and acknowledge the work that is still needed for repair in the church and across the country.  Then on Saturday October 7th at 1pm, we will be having a Blessing of the Animals service.  This will be held outdoors and my hope is that we have ALL sorts of God’s creatures come and attend.  This is a great way to invite friends or family to a low-key service to see who we are and what we do so please do spread the word! And finally, on Sunday October 8th, we will be having our Harvest Thanksgiving service – this will be followed by a potluck lunch.

There is lots to look forward to here at St. Mary’s, and many opportunities to reach out and welcome in!

Many Blessings,
Kirsten +



Saturday October 7, 2023 at 1pm

Do you have a beloved animal in your life? A cat or dog? A fish or lizard? A horse or sheep?

If so, you and your furry, scaly, hooved or feathered friend are invited to come on over to St. Mary's for a short service and blessing of the animals!

Rev. Kirsten will be here to lead us through some reflections and prayers on all the wonderful things God has created, including the animals that make our lives that much more meaningful. All well-behaved animals are welcome to join us and if you can't bring your pet, a photo of our pet will do! All creatures great and small will receive a special blessing from our priest.

Looking forward to seeing you and your animals!



Sunday October 8, 2023 - Thanksgiving Potluck Lunch

This will take place after the morning service on Thanksgiving Sunday. A great way to celebrate Thanksgiving and all we are thankful for.




There will be a PRICE INCREASE on OCTOBER 1st, 2023. 

Please stop by the church and see KAT to view and reserve your plot before the price increase. 

Only $500/plot.


      Recording the Sunday Service

Each Sunday morning, our service is video-recorded (usually by Elaine) from the corner of the church. While it doesn’t look like much during the service, this is a wonderful ministry that allows St. Mary’s to minster far and wide, well beyond the confines of our church walls. We have folks who access the service from other provinces, people tune in while they are away or on vacation, and it is a vital way for our people who are home-bound to feel connected to us in a real way. However, it is a big job for one person to carry all year round so we are looking for a few people who would be interested in helping in this unique way. I know technology can be a bit scary, but I promise – if you can use a cell phone or a tablet at home, you can record the service!

So please give this ministry some prayer and consideration and if you would like to know more or are ready to help out please speak to Elaine or myself!



Have you been curious about the daycare that will be operating here at St. Mary’s? 

Well, this coming Sunday is your chance to get a sneak peek at all that has been going on and ask any questions you may have of our new tenant!  Courtney, the director of the Thinking Garden Early Childhood Center will be joining us for coffee hour this Sunday, Sept. 24th to show you around the new space, invite you to see some of the changes and answer any questions you may have about the program or the families who will be coming starting in October. So come on out and see the space this Sunday!

2023 FUN & FUNdraisers at St. Mary’s


We made it into the next red column - WOOHOO!!

Every $10 donation purchases approximately 1 square foot of new roofing.

To make a donation:

  1. In the hall, pick up an envelope with a donation amount on it or use a blank one
       and write on it what you are donating
  2. Fill in your name and envelope number for income tax purposes
  3. Put your cheque or cash donation in the envelope and take out the photo puzzle piece
  4. Find your puzzle piece number on the grid and add your piece to help complete the photo.

Your donation is greatly appreciated.



SATURDAY NOVEMBER 18th. . . a St. Mary Family Event.

Sign-up sheets continue to be in the hall during coffee hour.  All that is needed is a willing heart. There is a place for everyone.

If you make your own cards, please think about offering some for the Christmas Fair.  People love receiving personal cards and we have a card stand to display them properly.  Speak to Rita if you are interested. 

Any and all donations (no clothes) for the Attic Treasures and Christmas Pleasures tables may be left in the hall cupboard for sorting and pricing.  

Artists. . . please think of donating a piece of your work for our Art and Soul Gallery.  Woodworking, metalwork, painting, weaving, quilting, sculpture etc. We also look forward to your wonderful baking donations for our Bake Table.

For more information on the Gallery, please contact Mary H,  Marrianna W or Rita G.




These useful items will be available on Sunday after the service in the Hall.  Please see Val.

A little bird told me they are FANTABULISTIC!



The Invite Welcome Connect workshop is being offered at the Church of the Advent in Colwood, both in person and on Zoom. I hope to attend via Zoom and it would be wonderful if a few others from our church attend as well.

Invite Welcome Connect is a two-part workshop that offers to transform how we approach church development and growth, change the culture of the community and seek new ways to invite and welcome new people into our midst.  There is a small fee and if you are interested and need assistance with that fee, please speak to me. 

Please see the attachment below for more information.

Many blessings,  Kirsten +