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Dear Parishioners, 

Another day learning to adjust to this new reality.

So many changes, so much information. Although this is self-isolating around a pandemic is new to us, it’s happened before. Check out the image above!!  

At this office we’re busy looking at different ways of staying connected as a community. I appreciate all the people who are reaching out to others in the community to make sure everyone is doing OK and is getting their needs met. 

Your Parish Council will be meeting remotely tomorrow to talk about ways we can continue to worship together and to take care of business. This is a time of possibility and creativity. Stay tuned. 

You will be aware that many businesses will suffer financially because of the measures in place to protect us. St. Mary’s is no different. We count on people’s weekly giving to meet our budget costs. Please consider signing up for the Electronic Plate – the automatic withdrawal from your bank account of the amount you want to pledge.  Staff at the Synod office are prepared to deal with a big increase in applications. Please see the attached form.   

If you want to continue using your weekly envelopes, you can mail them to the office:  St. Mary’s, 2600 Powder Point Rd., Nanoose Bay, BC  V9P 9E8, or, if you are out and about, and it’s during office hours (Monday through Thursday 10am – 3pm) come in, give KAT a holler to let her know that you are dropping them in the hat box on the small table on the hall.

I’ll look forward to praying with you again tomorrow at 10am.

FYI, Jim is in Frankfurt now, with a flight to Vancouver first thing in the morning. Thanks be to God.

Please pray for those who are still trying to get home!

God bless and keep you all,