From the Rector's Desk


This Sunday, August 18th is going to be a very special Sunday, as we observe the Feast of St. Mary! The service itself will be something never attempted before, as I have created a liturgy of “Songs and Scripture” (similar to Christmas Lessons and Carols), all centered around the life and role of Mary in our scriptural history. We will also have a guest musician, Linda Carson from Ladysmith. Linda and I have led worship together in numerous places and spaces over the last 10 years or so, and I am grateful she has taken a week off from her usual worship team to join us!

The songs themselves will be a combination of songs we have done before and older worship songs that are new to us. However, I promise that they are all very easy to sing along to and may even be familiar from other places. For those who want a sneak peak or to run through some of the songs that may be new to us, you can click HERE  HERE or HERE But please keep in mind that the tempo and words may differ slightly once we sing them in person 

Finally, be sure to join us after the service for a wonderful bunwich lunch! Elaine and Marg are planning a wonderful lunch, which I hear may even include cake! All the food will be provided but we do encourage donations to help offset the costs for this event. We are also hoping that a few extra folks might be willing to come early on Sunday (9:15ish) to help with set up so that all is ready to go after the service, as I’m sure we will work up an appetite with all our singing! If you can help, please let Elaine or Marg know.

This is going to be a really fun Sunday – and I look forward to sharing my joy of music with you all in a whole new way! See you there!

Kirsten +


Hello St. Mary’s!

While KAT is away on holiday - until October 2024 - there is a new face in the office.  My name is Elizabeth and I would like to introduce myself to you all.  I am a 'cradle Anglican' who has spent most of my life in the Diocese of BC. I have been lucky enough to know Rev. Kirsten since we were teenagers exploring our faith. I have learned many things over the years while obtaining degrees in history and education.  I am now applying these skills to working in parish offices.  I am passionate about books and can spend hours reading.  Another hobby of mine is spending time in the kitchen cooking and baking. In my short time here at St. Mary’s I look forward to meeting those who pop by the office.  I will do my best to help you with your enquiries.  Thank you for welcoming me to your parish. 



KAT received an email last week from the email address to her personal email:  a supposed "shared Statement” from Microsoft. This email is not from St.Mary's - DO NOT OPEN!