From the Rector's Desk   

This week I have spent some time reminiscing, as it has now officially been two years since I first came to be with you at St. Mary’s. I remember my first day so clearly… meeting with Alan, getting a tour of the facilities and having him hand over the keys before leaving me alone in the building. I remember sitting in my office, looking at the paperwork before looking at files and old services bulletins trying to get a sense of the heart of this community that first week.

It is amazing how things can change and how far we can come together as community in two years' time. Together we have tried out new liturgies, explored new ways of being community, and learned to trust and support one another in new ways. You have shown such trust in me, as we have tried new things and even when it has been hard, agreed to hang in together while we sort things out. Together we have weathered the storms and celebrated some memorable moments. I am eternally grateful for this community of faith – for the support you showed me in my earliest days as I found my feet and finished my Thesis, and lost both my parents those first few months… to the love and joy shared at my ordination to the Priesthood and all the many moments of laughter and growth as we live out our lives as God’s beloved together.

I can’t say for certain what the future holds, but I can say I’m not going anywhere anytime soon – and for this I give great thanks! This is truly a special community with a whole lot of potential for the future (whatever that might look like!) I am excited to see where God leads us next and pray that as the path continues to unfold, we can embrace it with trust and faith, ready to face change, embrace challenges and seek guidance from the Holy One every step of the way.  


Sing A New Song!

Starting this Sunday, Margaret will be arriving early to go over any new or lesser-known hymns with whoever would like to join as song leaders that day.  This will be an opportunity for folks to familiarize themselves with the music, and support the congregation as we move through the service. While not a formal choir, your voice will help lead from the pews so that all can fully participate in the singing on Sunday mornings! If this interests you, be sure to join Margaret at 9:30am to sing a new song!   


September Readings (a week late, sorry)

September 1 – 15th Sunday After Pentecost

SONG OF SOLOMON 2:8-13      PSALM 45:1-2, 7-10       JAMES 1:17-27      
MARK 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23


September 8 – 16th Sunday After Pentecost

PROVERBS 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23       PSALM 125 (BAS pg. 884)       JAMES 2:1-17      MARK 7:24-37


September 15 – 17th Sunday After Pentecost

PROVERBS 1:20-33       PSALM 19       JAMES 3:1-12       MARK 8:27-38


September 22 – 18th Sunday After Pentecost

PROVERBS 31:10-31       PSALM 1       JAMES 3:13-4:3, 7-8A       MARK 9:30-37


September 29 – 19th Sunday After Pentecost (St. Michaels & All Angels)

GENESIS 28:10-17       PSALM 103:19-22       REVELATION 12:7-12       JOHN 1:47-51


Bible Study Tomorrow

Delve into the Sunday scriptures with Rev. Kirsten, Wednesday, September 4th 10:30am. 


Could you be a Pastoral Visitor?

Do you have a heart of compassion and enjoy visiting with others? If so we are looking for folks to come along side Rev. Kirsten in the ministry of pastoral visiting! This important ministry is one that is hard to do alone, and so Kirsten is looking for a few folks to join her in this work! If you are interested, please join us for the Pastoral Visiting and Home Communion workshop on September 14th at 1pm at St. Mark’s Qualicum Beach. Here Ven. Elizabeth Northcott and Rev. Kirsten will go through the ins and outs of pastoral visiting, and how to give communion in a home or hospital-type setting. Please consider joining us in this work as we bring the love of God into the homes of those who cannot be with us in person.


Festival of Flowers


Mark your Calendars – Blessing of the Animals Service

Join us on Saturday October 5th at 1pm for our annual Blessing of the Animals here at St. Mary’s! This is a wonderful opportunity to invite all the friends, neighbours, and pet lovers in your life to come and bring their animals for a special blessing from the priest. This will be an outside event and will happen rain or shine so come prepared for the weather and we will gather to give thanks for our fury, scaly, hairy, feathery companions together. Hope to see you and your beloved animals there!

Fall Education Opportunities With Oceanside Anglicans

Home Communion @ St. Marks – September 14th 1:00-3:00pm

~ Come be part of the Oceanside home visiting team!

Prayers of the People @ St. Mary’s - September 18th 1:30-3:30pm

~ Learn tips & best practices for writing and delivering the Prayers on Sunday

Intersections: A Dialogue Series @ St. Edmunds - October 3rd  – November 14th

~ A Course on racism in BC – more information to come

Let’s Sing… Our Favourite Funeral Hymns @ St. Marks - October 21st 1:00-3:00pm

~ Help loved ones by pre-planning details for your funeral