From the Rector’s Desk
We’re almost into a new month, and February is the month of Valentine’s Day, your Annual Vestry Meeting (February 27th), and the day of my departure from the parish (February 24th). When I asked Synod staff how to choose a ‘good’ day to leave, they told me, “There is no ‘good’ day, just pick a date.” And so I chose my 66th birthday, February 24th.
When our sons were young, they would often whine when I went to pick them up from a playdate or birthday party. And so I talked to them about the importance of leaving on a positive note. That even if we are reluctant to leave when we’re having such a good time, it’s important to leave on a high note. So that the people we are leaving feel good about having us come and visit, and that we are left with good feelings about our relationships with others. Truth be told, I had to have this conversation with them several times, but I do think the message finally sank in!
I am leaving on a high note. I leave with good feelings about our relationship and how we have lived more and more fully as the body of Christ. This parish is in good shape, the community is strong, new people keep arriving. St. Mary’s continues to grow. And there is no reason why it won’t continue to flourish. It’s up to each of you to commit in faith, hope and love to journey into the unknown….
Now I wish that we were able to gather as a whole healthy parish without the fear of Covid-19. But despite all the restrictions St. Mary’s continued to be welcoming and worship in the spirit of grace and gratitude. We’ve worked hard to include those who didn’t feel safe to attend, and those for whom it wasn’t possible to attend in person worship. Wow, this parish is strong, welcoming and determined.Look what you’ve accomplished in the last 5 years!! It’s truly amazing. Yes, I’ve worked with you and provided some leadership but the work has been done by this community and stays in this community. Thanks be to God!
As I move on to new adventures, so do you. Keep your ears and eyes open to the working of the Spirit in your midst. For as we read in Jeremiah 29:11: “For surely I know the plans I have for you,says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.”
This Sunday 1Corinthians 13:1-13 will be read in church. A familiar passage to most about faith, hope and love. Love endures all things. We all know that life is a constant unfolding of change. And so we are called to hold fast, keep our eyes and ears open for the movement of the Spirit, and to trust. How we move through change is a witness to the world of how to trust and do so in faith.
So, as my days here are numbered, I’m making room in February for goodbyes. If you would like to say goodbye beyond a quick word after church on a Sunday, I’m available to chat over the phone, over ZOOM, or in person (safely). Please just connect with me by email (incumbent or by phone 250 468-5684 or 250 821-5600 to set up a time to talk. And please, let’s continue to pray for one another!
In faith, Selinde
In December, Parish Council came up with the idea of letting hospital staff, who were very stressed, know how much we appreciate what they are doing. To that end, we asked the parish if they would like to contribute to this project. Your response was amazing. We raised around $500. Mary Holte organized for 125 little gift bags to be filled with tasty treats, tied up with a ‘thank you’ book mark and delivered to the staff on the ICU wardat the Nanaimo General Hospital.
The response was immediate and heart-felt. The head of Spiritual Care wrote: “Many of the healthcare workers were extremely touched by the gifts from your congregation. I witnessed tears in the eyes of some of the nurses I hand delivered the gifts to. And many were “choked up” not being able to fully express the words, but saying that it’s been so difficult and that the outpouring of love and knowing that people in the community are supporting them is so meaningful.
Thank you for this generous act of love, care, compassion, grace and kindness.”At that time, we were also told about the strain on the staff caring for the Covid patients who were not in ICU but still needing a lot of care. There are 60 staff on this ward and we would like to thank them in a similar way. If every parishioner could donate a $5, we would have enough money to make up the little gift bags.
If you feel moved to contribute (over and above your regular giving) please bring your $5 to church on Sunday or drop it off to KAT in the office or in our dropbox outside the office ramp door if the office is closed. Thank you! And if you would like to work with Mary on this project, please, the more the merrier. Contact her directly. And please continue to pray for all medical and support staff at the hospital.
Speaking of KAT, she has arrived home safely from her time with family in England. However, she is sick at home. Please pray for her. And hopefully she’ll be back in the office next week.
NEEDED – some volunteers!!
Anna van der Hooft, the new diocesan administrative assistant, will be managing the new Safe Church online training program Praesidium. Anna and Val are looking for a volunteer who would enjoy being part of this new ministry for our church.
If you like keeping a scrapbook and perhaps writing a short account of the occasional special event at the church, please consider taking on the Archives for our church.
At each AVM, elections are held for the parish council and People's Warden positions. Please contact Shirley B, Elaine C or Clair D, if serving in one of these positions is calling you. This year it would be helpful to have a Deputy People's Warden.If you would enjoy volunteering once every month or two, please consider becoming a greeter, an offertory counter, or a reader for a Sunday service.
Here are the birthdays and anniversaries for February. If your name is not on the list, PLEASE contact KAT in the front office. We can’t celebrate you if we don’t know about your special day(s)!!
Feb 3 Jan E
Feb 9 Claude and Roseleagh
Feb 11 Sharon V
Feb 24 Selinde K
Feb Daniela H
Here are the Sunday scripture readings for February:
February 6 - 5th Sunday after the Epiphany
Isaiah 6:1-8, (9-13) Psalm 138 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Luke 5:1-11
February 13 - 6th Sunday after the Epiphany
Jeremiah 17:5-10 Psalm 1 1 Corinthians 15:12-20 Luke 6:17-26
February 20 - 7th Sunday after the Epiphany
Genesis 45:3-11, 15 Psalm 37:1-11, 39-40 1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50 Luke 6:27-38
February 27 - Transfiguration Sunday
Exodus 34:29-35 Psalm 99 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2 Luke 9:28-36, (37-43a)