I wonder if your thoughts, like mine, turn to poetry during spring. I was fortunate to be taught by teachers who had us kids memorize classic poems, some of which remain in my memory to this day. The great English poet Shelley once said “to be able to love poetry is a gift; to write poetry is a calling.” I think that to love poetry and write it, goes beyond a gift and calling, it really reveals an appreciation of things sublime, and an inquisitiveness for what lies behind the mysterious and the beautiful.
Some of the best poetry written (in my opinion) is that which reflects on the beauty of the season of spring. Another great poet, William Wordsworth, wrote “Lines Written in Early Spring” which include the following:
The birds around me hopped and played, their thoughts I cannot measure;
But the least motion which they made, it seemed a thrill of pleasure.The budding twigs spread out their fan, to catch the breezy air;
And I must think, do all I can, that there was pleasure there.If this belief from heaven be sent, if such be Nature’s holy plan;
Have I not reason to lament what man has made of man?
This spring it seems there is much to lament in the world that “man has made of man” in contrast with the beauty, innocence and hopefulness of the season. From lingering Covid-19 fears, to death and destruction in Ukraine, to refugees from multiple war-torn places, to storm clouds over the economy, to whatever personal situations cause us to despair - spring is a wonderful distraction! If you are feeling dragged down this spring, perhaps you might spend some time with a few good poets (just google “spring poems” for example) to receive a jolt of seasonal optimism.
Jesus himself was a pretty good poet – or at least those who recorded for us many of his sayings. For example:
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. (Matthew 5)
To be pure in heart includes the gift of being able to see the beauty of God’s Creation all around us, and allow that appreciation to transform our desolation to consolation, and our inner turmoils to inner peace. To be a peace-maker requires that same inner peace to motivate within us the thoughts and intentions of a child of God.
Spring is our annual gift from Creation to remind us of these things. Thank God for the poets who bring them to mind!
With every blessing,
Special Vestry Meeting MAY 15, 2022
The proposed 2022 Budget was presented on Sunday, May 15 at a Special AVM and adopted unanimously. We are thankful to the Finance Committee, Elaine, Val, Marg, and Malcolm, for their diligence and invaluable input.
General Offerings (Sunday, Envelope Offering) of $56,400.00 from 2020 dropped to $34,000.00 last year, which is about a 35% reduction and the most significant drop in overall income. Here are the actual income and actual expense numbers from 2021:
2022 Budget anticipated total income $135,015.00
2022 Budget anticipated total expenses $155,551.00
Net Deficit -$20,536.00
The deficit is a direct reflection of the hardship parishioners have faced due to COVID pandemic restrictions and inflationary costs of everyday expenses. We are hopeful that as the pandemic restrictions relax, St. Mary’s can return to a more positive level of income.
Jennifer Birchall-Creighton, Treasurer
April 2022 Revenue and Expenses
Revenue $11,308.44
Expenses $11,587.30
Net Loss -$278.86
Many of you may know KAT is off to the UK Tuesday June 14 and back on Tuesday July 19, 2022, to help her family move into their new house. Alan is needing a volunteer to help out in the office on a Tuesday OR Thursday for about 4 hours. Answering the phone, checking emails etc. Easy peasy! KAT will train.
Greetings from Jerry & Julie!
Julie and I spent the morning at St. Mary’s again yesterday. We managed to pull all the weeds in the front bed and I planted the 12 perennials and 2 heathers we purchased and donated to the church gardens. The bed looks so much better than it did. There is a lot more weeding to do in the other beds. It would be great if there were any others in the parish who would like to get their hands dirty pulling a few weeds.
And a very special thank you to Jerry & Julie! It looks fantastic!!
....OUR READERS ROSTER, SUNDAY COFFEE & SIDESPEOPLE rosters are still in need of volunteers
Please sign the NEW readers roster at the entrance of the church, and/or contact Pat to help with Sunday coffee and Sue G to help with sidespeople duties on a Sunday morning.
Is someone missing a church key marked #4? It was found in the parking lot
May 12. Let KAT know in the office.
The next Parish Council Meeting will be May 25th at 1pm in the hall.
Check out this link https://www.bc.anglican.ca/events to see upcoming diocesan events.