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From the Rector's Desk

Dear Friends,

Sometimes our church services are referred to as “liturgy” - from the Greek word leitourgia which means “the work of the people.” In other words we don’t come to church to observe - rather, we gather in order to participate - to do the work of the people. That work is to worship God revealed to us in Christ, and to support each other in ministry - in the community and in what we do here on Sundays and during the week.

Now that we have begun tentatively emerging from our pandemic safe places, it has been so life-giving to return to church and resume that “work of the people” - with appropriate safety precautions. As we do that however, some of our ministries are now in dire need of more volunteers. May I take this opportunity to appeal on behalf of the few who so faithfully fulfill these duties every week?

1.      Sidespersons. The value of a smiling face at the door of the church to welcome church members and visitors, is self-evident.  Arriving a few minutes early on a Sunday morning, the sidesperson greets and hands out leaflets, oversees the handling of collection plates (when they return to use post-pandemic) and directs people during communion.  A few more on the roster would relieve the few who are in this ministry.

2.      Altar Guild. One of my favourite Anglican hymns is “O Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness” (Psalm 96:9) The important ‘behind the scenes’ ministry of preparing our beautiful sanctuary for worship is carried out faithfully by a few women. Please note men are welcome to join this ministry - I did it for many years as a lay person!  It includes setting out the bread and wine and preparing the altar with linens and vessels - and some cleaning up after the service. A truly rewarding ministry for which training is given.

3.      Readers. Every week the lessons are printed in large print and placed on the lectern. They can also be emailed in advance to those who wish it. The more voices we have reading God’s Word in church, the more diverse and alive it sounds and the smaller the onus is on our small number of readers.

4.      Prayers of the People. Our corporate intercessions for the church, the world and ourselves are a key part of our liturgy. We are blessed by a few intercessors who write their own prayers or read some appropriate ones from a prayer book. For those who prefer it, I am happy to provide the prayers to be led by the intercessor.

5.      Coffee hour. For so long during the pandemic we missed socializing after Sunday services and it has been so good to return to that special time with church family members. For volunteers it means arriving a few minutes earlier than usual, putting on the coffee and setting out cups and saucers. Home baking is not a requirement!  Presently a small number of volunteers are shouldering the load and without a few more we may have to reduce this ministry to fewer Sundays a month.

There are of course several other ways in which faithful service is offered by some for which we are so grateful. However, those listed above are ministries where the need is great.  Please would you consider volunteering for one of them by contacting the church office (  It goes without saying that if everyone volunteered for just one of these ministries the frequency of duties would be much less and the ‘work of the people’ would be truly shared by the people!

With every blessing,

Sunday May 15 in church after the service for the 2022 budget approval      

The May issue of Faith Tides is now online

Faith Tides is the official publication of the Anglican diocese of Islands and Inlets. It is a space where people of faith and doubt can share their stories, challenge their perceptions, and grow together. In this issue: Discerning a postcolonial presence on 'Yalis; Holding space for climate grief; Divesting from the dystopian real estate market; Three empty graves; Parish of Salt Spring Island looks to the future; Women's Retreat quietly building community; A silencing of doubt; Q&A with a military chaplain; St Peter celebrates Earth Day...and more! Selinde has written an article in this issue.  Click on this link