From the Rector's Desk

My friends,

Over the last week or so I have heard of various conversations happening among us, wondering if we are going to be having the Christmas Fair this year. As you may recall, at our planning meeting earlier this year, there was no one willing to step forward to take the lead for the Christmas Fair. So we put it on the back burner for the time being in hopes that someone would come forward at a later date to take up the Fair.

To date, there has been lots of conversation but still no-one has come forward willing to head the event. While I know that this is a committee-driven event with leaders and teams in charge of each table, we still need someone to oversee, coordinate and ensure that details are covered for the big day. That being said, the following is a list of teams that have been involved in previous years' fairs. On Sunday we will have this list available in the hall for folks to sign up for the tables and perhaps if we can get enough interested in these spots, someone will be willing to take on coordination knowing that they have a full team behind them.

The list of tables/teams may include but is not limited to the following:

  • Decorating – putting up the decorations in the hall during Advent and taking down after Christmas
  • Advertising, - including signage and posters
  • Silent auction / Gallery
  • Kitchen and lunch offering
  • Bake Table
  • Attic Treasures
  • Christmas Pleasures
  • Toys and Games
  • Money and floats
  • Sunday sales
  • Monday after - A full team for packing up, dismantling tables, transporting donations for SOS etc….

This is a wonderful community event, but if we do not have a coordinator to take it on, it might not happen and that is okay. As we read in Ecclesiastes, there is a time for everything under heaven and all aspects of life has a season. Perhaps it is time for the Christmas Fair to take a step back, or maybe even take on a new form. So lets all pray about the Christmas Fair seeking God’s will in this situation, discerning together if there is someone in our community who is called to step up and take on this event this year. The Christmas fair is a wonderful event, but is a huge undertaking – so may God guide us as we move forward together on this.


Kirsten +  



Val is looking for someone to “learn the ropes” and assist her.  Safe church records are all caught up so there is no big time commitment!  If you are comfortable with Excel spreadsheets, then this could be of interest to you.  Please give her a call for more details.  



Yes, she is coming.  We want to show off our St. Mary’s Hospitality and offer a potluck 'finger food' lunch.  Baking would be great too.  Elaine is coordinating the lunch and could use a few volunteers.  Daniela and Marrianna are on the coffee roster for that day.



Does anyone have any expertise in first aid?  Our first aid kit in the kitchen could use a 'once over' to see if items are expired etc.  Interested?…ask the Wardens or Rev. Kirsten.


Tired of housework?

A local woman, who has attended our church a few times, is looking for work doing residential housecleaning for seniors in the Oceanside area. Lilian is hoping to add a few more clients to her roster and charges $25/hour for cleaning. If you are interested in this service, she can be reached at 250-465-8167 or via email If emailing please put St. Mary in the subject line so the request doesn’t get lost in the mix.


2023 FUNdraisers at St. Mary’s

June Jumble Sale Committee Meeting this Friday May 24; 10 am in church.

Sale – Saturday, June 1st, 2024 -  10-2pm

The June Jumble Sale is now only 10 sleeps away.    Half of the hall is filling up nicely but we could always use more.

We are looking for the following donations: plants (indoor/outdoor), seedlings, household items, kitchen wares, novelties, tools (boys' toys) and baked goods.  We cannot accept clothing or large furniture.  Please bring to the hall during office hours and place in the storage room.  We will be collecting clean bedding and towels for donation to the SPCA.

Please tell all your neighbours and friends!  Ed Y can be contacted through the church office.