The life I touch for good or ill
will touch another life,
and that in turn another,
until who knows where
the trembling stops
or in what far place
my touch will be felt.
- Frederick Buechner
Living through this time of pandemic is a perfect time to think about the effect we are having on the people and the world around us. There is so much division and dissent in the world right now. . .
Jesus calls us to be peace makers, truth tellers. And the truth most people need to hear right now is that they are loved, that someone cares, that they are not alone. And how better to hear this message than through actions that speak louder than words.
There are simple things that we can do to make people feel connected, cared for, loved.
I have a number of “COVID” actions I am taking.
I’ll share one simple thing I’m doing. I love Tim Horton’s coffee – their café lattes to be specific. I know that the people who work in Tim Horton’s are not paid well. I also know that as front line workers, they are at risk of catching the virus. I keep a roll of toonies in my car and every time I go through the drive through, I tip the person serving me a toonie. I know it’s a negligible amount, but it’s more than the coin, it’s a way of grounding the way I say “thank you” with a token of my appreciation.
It’s not only true during this pandemic that the people who generally speak up or write letters to the editor are folks who are dissatisfied, unhappy, angry.
We can be a counter balance. We can find ways of expressing appreciation, satisfaction, joy.
It can be as simple as carrying around a packet of small thank-you cards that you can fill out in a store or dentist’s office when you’ve received some caring attention, or when you’ve seen someone act decently in face of rudeness. You can slip it to the person on your way out of the building.
It can be the way you start your day – thinking of someone you care about and sending them a card or email. I just sent my niece a card for the birth of her first child and got a gushing email back saying she loves to receive mail and hardly ever does.
As the days grow shorter and colder, it will warm your heart to plan your own COVID action(s). It can be a personal endeavor or something you invite others to join in with you on.
These NOTICES are a wonderful place to inspire and encourage each other as we move into another pandemic winter. The sky is the limit, and love is the goal!
Glory to God, whose power working in us can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine!
God bless you all,
Remembrance Day
I stand corrected, we will celebrate Remembrance Day on Sunday November 14th in church, and on Thursday November 11 at 11:00 am in the Memorial Garden.
Elaine Cowan shared this sign . . .
Check out this mesmerizing dance performance for the Paralympics Hand Off ceremony, choreographed by Sadeck Waff: Click HERE.
Nov. 3 Steve S
Nov. 5 Rita G
Nov. 28 Sue G
Nov. 28 Martine S
Nov. 29 Carol K
November 7th, Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
1 Kings 17:8-16
Psalm 46
Hebrews 9:24-28
Mark 12:38-44
Remembrance Day, November 14th, Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
1 Samuel 1:4-20
Daniel 12:1-3
Hebrews 10:11-25
Mark 13:1-8
November 21st, Reign of Christ, last Sunday in the church year, Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
2 Samuel 23:1-7
Psalm 132:1-18
Revelation 1:4b-8
John 18:33-37
November 28th, First Sunday of ADVENT
Jeremiah 33:14-16
Psalm 25:1-10
1 Thess 3:9-13
Luke 21:25-36
Coming up for the month of November, on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9am, you are invited to join in Morning Prayer from the BAS (the green Book of Alternative Services that we have in the pews) with Selinde over ZOOM. If you don’t own a BAS, you can pick up a xeroxed copy of the Morning Prayer format from the BAS from KAT in the office or on Sunday morning. It’s helpful to have a bible at home to access the psalms and Gospel reading, but not essential. Morning Prayer takes about 15 minutes but may be as long as 30 minutes as we will sit in silence for 5 minutes, we will pray for the needs of the community, and if desired, we will reflect briefly on the Gospel reading assigned for that morning.
We will begin on Thursday morning, November 4th. Please let KAT know by Thursday October 28th if you’d like to be sent a ZOOM invitation. The invitation will come to you the day before each Tuesday and Thursday so you can join in as you can. You just need to click on the link in the email.
If you do not know how to use ZOOM, please let KAT know and she will send you an instruction sheet.