Dear parishioners;

“Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourselves that you have built against it.” (author unknown)

The Epistle and the Gospel reading for this Sunday talk about how to resolve conflict in the church. Good advice there! In my experience, often, when I change my thinking, or examine my feelings, I realize some the conflict stems from my own blindness, my own preferences, my own judgements. I am not able to see the love that is there because it isn’t showing up in the way I want or recognize or feel I deserve.

I am enjoying delving deeply into the text to find the nugget I will preach on this Sunday; but this is the direction I find myself being pulled in. More on Sunday!

COMING TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY:  There has been some confusion about reserving a spot for Sunday service. When you call in by 2pm on Thursday, your name goes on a list. But our capacity has not yet been reached for Sunday services, so if you forget to call, or your plans change, please come to church on Sunday. You don’t have the assurance that you will get in, but there’s a good chance that there will be room for you. And we’d love to have you there!

 ALTAR FLOWERS:   Now that we are in church again, please remember we can honour a significant other or event in the weekly service bulletin. You can  designate it in your offering and drop a cheque at the church office on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday between 10-4pm.  Please indicate to KAT or Elaine the wording you would like included in the bulletin.   

 READERS NEEDED!  We need 'bubbled' readers to do the three readings and the Prayers of the People each Sunday. Selinde will help in any way she can (writing the prayers or choosing a prayer so all you have to do is read it). Please let KAT know if you can help out. Thank you!

 ELECTION OF A NEW BISHOP:  The candidates for Bishop have been announced. If you would like to learn about them, please go to this link:

Next Wednesday at noon, we will use some of the time to discuss what we are looking for in a Bishop and pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit.


From Shirley H, a reminder that we can use this time to strengthen our connection with people in an 'old fashioned' way:

Remember how nice it was to receive a written note in the mail?

I wanted to share my experiences with the next or maybe the next two generations after me.  As I have been downsizing my photo albums, I often make little packages to send to the grown children of the person in the photo (even including some baby pictures of themselves). The responses I have had - mostly penned notes or emails of gratitude - have been lovely. 

For example, today I received a thank-you note from a vice president of an American bank (a high-school classmate of my daughter) and each member of her family penned a little paragraph.  It was lovely and thoughtful.

Although Covid is a nasty business, I have to say a silent 'thank you' to the Lord for pushing the pause button on the world and giving people time to reflect and take pen to paper instead of always using social media.


And from Marg D, a short video that captures the truth that we do have choices to make:


The readings for this Sunday:

Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 6, 2020

Exodus 12:1-14

Psalm 149

Romans 13:8-14

Matthew 18:15-20


And last but not least . . .